February 3, 2010

He Has a Name. . .She Doesn't

I know it is very early on, but we have decided on what our boys name will be should we end up having a boy. We both have a feeling that we will have boys, so we have talked about girls names just briefly. We haven’t decided on a girl’s name though, and really with at 50/50 shot we need to come prepared for either option. I’m sure as the time goes on we will decide on a girl’s name, but for now our future son is named. So here is the story of how his name came to be. :)

TJ’s parents were very young when he was born, and on his birth certificate he was given his mom’s maiden name as his last name. He went by his dad’s last name in school, but it was never changed legally. Before we got married I told him that he needed to change his name if he was going to because I didn’t really plan on changing mine twice. He hemmed, and he hawed, and he hemmed some more. Our wedding day came, and he still hadn’t changed his name. In our first year of marriage we talked about it a little, but he settled on the fact that he would probably not change it.

Over the weekend we were talking about hypothetical names for our future baby(ies). TJ’s frist and middle name is Tyrone James, he was named after his dad. He has stated he didn’t want to use his name if we had a boy, so we had a clean slate in front of us. One of his favorite things to do is to suggest names which are so out there I cringe. He is never serious, but loves to get a reaction out of me. Some of my favorites have been: Panther, Motorcycle, and Lou Ferrigno (after we watched I Love You Man). Obviously we are not celebrities, and a name like Motorcycle wouldn’t really fly.

While we were discussing names I said it might be nice to use his dad’s last name as a first name. It was an instant hit, and I think he was a little miffed that he didn’t think of it himself. He was very excited about the idea, we talked it over a little and it was settled. Should we have a boy his name will Porter James. My TJ and my PJ. I can’t wait!

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