September 23, 2010

Nearly 39 Weeks - Maternity Photos

I had another great doctors appointment today. Things are really progressing nicely! I'm still just dialated to 1CM, but my doctor said I'm 70% effaced!! Which, in terms of progress, is great!

My doctor felt around my belly again and said she estimates she'll be about 7lbs when she is born. TJ and I have been thinking she'll be about 8lbs or so, which is good news. As long as she is healthy though that's all we can ask for!

Her head continues to be very low. Her heartbeat was just under 150bpm. My blood pressure was 124/78, and I've gained about 27lbs so far. All in all things are looking like sunshine! My doctor estimated that she'll be here within the next 10 days. I'm ready as soon as she is, c'mon out Madeline!! :)

Other than progress things continue to be pretty good. Today is the first day where I've felt extremely tired and crampy and sort of thought, "Hmmm, I could be done with this now!" I'll be 39 weeks on Saturday, so I'm pretty proud that it took me that long to get to this point.

Like promised last week I'm posting my maternity pictures. Again, thank you to the fabulous Justine with J. Shelton Photography for her wonderful work. I had a hard time triming down all the photos I wanted to include in the blog as I love them so. The photos were taken at 35/35, which means I was 35 weeks along and 35 days away from my estimated due date on that day.

9 Days left, holy moley!!

September 16, 2010

Almost 38 Weeks - YIKES!

I've been told it's time for an update. :) I would agree, I've been slacking on my blog writing. Things have been pretty uneventful on the baby front. No news is good news!

I will be 38 weeks on Saturday (crazy, right???). According to the normal pregnancy calendar that would mean I'm nearly 2 weeks away from meeting Madeline. Of course I know she'll arrive on her own time, but just the thought that there are so few days left is nuts!

I had my weekly doctors appointment today. I am measuring right on track (well, at least my belly is). Last week my doctor sort of felt her through my belly and said she might be a little on the big side. We certainly make big babies on both sides of our family, so I assume she'll be a good sized little lady. We'll see though here in the next few weeks!

The good news is she is in the right position, with her head super low in my pelvis. Last week and today the doctor said I am dilated to 1CM. Like she pointed out today, that is 1/10 of the way there! It also doesn't mean a whole lot in terms of when Maddy will arrive or not. Women can walk around dilated to a 1 for weeks, and sometimes not even go into labor on their own. Still, progress is progress, so even though I'm not reading too much into it I find it exciting!

I haven't posted pictures of my amazing shower yet, so I thought I would post them now. My Aunt's Nan and Da threw me the greatest shower ever. I was overwhelmed by the love and kindness of all of my family and friends that day. I'm so happy that there are so many wonderful people in my life who are as excited as TJ and I are to meet our baby girl. So, thank you all from the bottom of my heart for making my shower so wonderful!! Maddy's stuffed closet and dresser also thanks you all for the too-too cute clothes I have to dress her up in. ;)

Coming soon - maternity pictures!! I posted a link to the teaser pictures from Justine's blog on Facebook, but you can click above if you haven't seen them yet. I should have the full gallery of photos sometime this weekend to share! J. Shelton Photography totally rocks my socks off, I can't wait to see and share more with you all!

For now though I leave you with shower photos. I was 34 weeks the day of my shower. :)

Getting all of the lantern balls set up.

All set up and ready to go!

The table.

Props for all of the games, courtesy of Aunt Nan and Da.

One spoiled little lady (and mama)!

The best present ever. ;)

My Grandma wrapped up outfits that my other Grandma (Grandma Bessie) had made for me as a baby. My Grandma Bessie passed away when I was 2, so it was a really sentimental and emotional gift to open. The photo below is a picture of me in the exact dress I'm holding in my hands.

The beautiful dresser my Aunt Nan bought (and filled with cute outfits!!)

Proud Grandma's-to-be!!

We can't wait to me our baby girl!!

One load of laundry. . .she's gonna be super freaking cute!