June 25, 2010

If It Walks like a Walrus. . .

Sometimes I reallllllly wonder about people. I wonder, didn’t your mother ever teach you any manners? What is it about pregnancy that gives strangers (and sometimes those who know you) a free pass to comment about your weight/size? Would you make a comment to a woman on the street about her weight if she was obviously not pregnant? No, of course not, that would be rude. Right? So, what gives people the idea that it’s OK to make comments just because a woman is pregnant?

The comments are starting to wear on me. Yes, even I realize that the size of my belly is rather surprising given the fact that I’m “only” 6 months. But, my doctor has given me nothing but the thumbs up in regards to my progress. She even used the word “textbook” when measuring my belly and taking my weight (measuring spot on, and up 11 pounds total at 25 weeks). So, rude checker lady at Safeway, while you may think I look like a walrus I am in fact not part elephant. You do not have to hide your young in fear that I might swallow them whole in mistake of an afternoon snack.

I’m at the point where you can certainly tell I’m pregnant, so I get the “How far along are you?” question a lot. A lot of people guess I’m having a girl, I’ve only had one guess that she’s a boy. To be honest, most people are generally very nice, but those aren’t the comments that stick with you unfortunately. It’s the condescending comments about how “BIG” I am already, or the comments about how “HUGE” I’m going to be. Well you know what? I’m growing a human. You need to gain weight to grow a human. I know I’m going to gain more weight in the next 15 weeks without your snotty observations. So shove it.

Take a page out of Thumper’s book, if you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all. A-hole.

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