January 23, 2010

Dear Universe

What a week. It has been an emotionally exhausting week due to work stress. I assumed that I had started cycle 15 on Thursday due to some red flow that morning. I expected it, I knew that I was going to start that day thanks to the joys of charting. Any time I start a new cycle I am a pill for no other reason than it bums me out to be starting another cycle. So, I made homemade lasagna for dinner Thursday night and TJ and I shared a bottle of wine.

Friday was a very emotional day at work. I had my annual review with my boss, and it was tough to hear the true things about myself (the bad true things, the awesome true things rocked!). Overall it was a very good review, but the bad parts were very honest and I was disappointed in myself for falling short. I also had an emotionally charged coaching session with one of my staff members. It was a very productive but draining day to say the least, I set out to drink myself silly when I got home and nearly polished off a bottle of wine on my own.

I was feeling great (read: drunk as a skunk), so TJ and I got a little, ahem, frisky. I had noticed that since Thursday I hadn’t started a real period, there was some spotting here and there, but nothing major. After TJ and I were finished I figured that it would trigger the flood gates and I’d really start. Nope. So, I shrugged it off and went to bed. Woke up this morning and Aunt Flo is still hiding. I told TJ after I had used the bathroom that I might need to pee on a stick tomorrow morning. I just got home from work (did you really think I could wait until tomorrow??), peed on a stick (a digital) and what should appear??? Yep, you guessed it, "Pregnant." Again. So: Dear Universe, if you are effing with my head I will kick your ass!!

I feel like a broken record on here now, Fertility Friend has my new due date as 10/3 and puts me at 3w6d by O date, or 4w2d by LMP. So, third time is a charm? I sure as hell hope so!

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