My big goal is to look like that --------> again. Which will require a lot of dedication and follow through on my part. The sad part of it all? That was only 3 years ago. Three years and 35 pounds ago. To achieve my goal I plan on starting running again. When that photo was taken I was running 4-5 miles 3-4 times a week. I plan on starting slow and running 2 miles 3 times a week through January. We’ll see how I feel in February. My goal for 2010 is to lose those 35 pounds, and maybe more, we’ll see.
The next big goal is savings. I’ve always been a saver, I feel like it’s very important to have some sort of back up money in savings in case of an emergency. I started laddering CD’s a few years ago so that we have one a month, my goal now is to open a money market account. For 2010 I’d like to put $200 a paycheck away into savings and hopefully have $5,200 at the end of the year. That will get us half way to a money market account. It will also help us curb or stupid spending habits (we are very bad a buying stupid things when we should just save the extra we have).
TJ’s favorite goal of mine is to declutter the house. I sadly collect a lot of clutter and have a hard time parting with it. If you call me a pack rat I might cry. My neighbor is a pack rat. You literally cannot walk in her house without walking down a trail lined with shit. I, however, just keep random things. Our house is usually generally clean, though that is part of my goal for 2010. TJ and I are going to do a New Year’s cleaning tomorrow, and take crap to the dump, take clothes to Good Will, and get rid of the excess baggage we have. My goal for 2010 is to make Sunday (my consistent day off of work), a laundry and cleaning day. If I keep up with it then it won’t get out of hand. Hopefully.
The minor goal I’d like to set is to make a meal plan and buy groceries according to the plan every two weeks. I think this will really help with our bad eating habits (see first goal, lol), and curb spending too. I’m a good cook when I cook, I just need to get on the ball and do it more. I’m hoping to try a new recipe every month.
My fun goal for 2010 is to take a picture a day. My mom bought me a kick ass DSLR camera for Christmas 2008. It rocks, but I’m not good with it yet because it is overwhelming. I’d like to figure it out in 2010 by using it daily. I plan on documenting it in my resolution blog, along with the progess of my other goals.
The goal which is out of my hands is baby related. I want to get pregnant in 2010, and no matter how much I want it I cannot control what happens with my body. So, I’m just going to pray about this one.
Happy New Year!!!!!