The bad, Saturday morning I went to the lab to have a follow up blood draw. They lost the lab slip my doctor faxed over. I stood there at the window and I was patient and smiled and flirted with the baby who’s mom was behind me in line. Finally after about 5-10 minutes they said they’d call the on-call doctor from my doctor’s office to get another lab slip. The on-call doctor didn’t know me, so the lady at the lab said, “They need to know why you are having your blood drawn.”
I almost shut down. My face went blank and I said, “I’m having a miscarriage.” And then the waterworks started. The three ladies behind the counter we all obviously not prepared for me to cry. They handed me a blank lab slip and asked me to fill out my name, etc. and then they handed me a box of tissues. I apologized for crying and one of them said she had been through it too, so it was OK. I feel like such a jerk now, I said, “This is my second.” I didn’t say what I should have. I should have sympathized with her also and told her I’m sorry, that nobody should have to go through this. In the moment though I was just so mad that they had lost my slip (the tech who drew my blood on Wednesday didn’t make a copy for Saturday). Now I feel bad though, so, nice lady who works at the lab on Pacific: I’m also sorry for your loss.
My second mistake this weekend was Sunday. I run on our treadmill in the garage. I have a TV set up in there where I watch Sex and the City on DVD (thanks to my awesome husband). I usually read the episode description before turning it on, but on Sunday I had already started jogging and skipped reading and just hit play. It was the episode where Charlotte and Harry get pregnant and then she loses the baby. It was the worst two miles I’ve ever run. Did I think to shut the damn TV off? No. I just kept watching, and crying. I bet I was quite the sight to see.
My bloodwork from Saturday came back with a hCG level of 2, so it is for sure over. I’m ready to have my appointment on the 18th and to make some progress on trying to have a baby. Hopefully next time there won’t be any bad with my good.
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