August 17, 2009


Well, I had my appointment last week. I am sad to say that nothing happened. Nada. I prepped myself for what I'd ask my doctor. I printed out my charts. I felt like I was really ready to ask some "tough" questions: Should I get a HSG? Should TJ get a SA? Do you want to do CD 3 testing? Etc. The morning of my appointment I left the house 5 minutes late, forgot to grab my charts on the way out, and felt like a rushed mess when I arrived at the hospital.

As I was sitting in a hospital gown, nude, my doctor asked why I was in to see her. I'm looking to buy a new car? Seriously dude! So I told her I was due for my annual, plus we'd been trying for a baby since last November. She tells me that a couple isn't considered infertile for a year. I know this, but I still want to start the ball rolling on testing as we are quickly approaching that year mark. Did I tell her that? You bet your ass I didn't! I just smiled and nodded along with what she said. She told me that most women ovulate around the 14 of the month. Uhm, wrong. Did I point out to her that that is a myth? That all women are different and most do not have "clockwork" like cycles? No. Again with the smiling and nodding. I did manage to get in an "I've been charting. . .", but beyond that. Nothing. Zip. Nada. Zilch. I suck.

She grabbed an "informational" sheet for me to bring home. It said something about if your usual cycle is "x" days long you should have sex at least every three days from the "y" day of your cycle on. I know this. I know you have to have sex around ovulation to get pregnant. I'm using OPK's and temping to confirm ovulation. I know when I need to get pregnant. It's just not working out! Again, did I say this? You guessed it, hell to the no.

So I'm a still a big fatty fat fat chicken. Bock-fricken-bock. My doc slapped me on the knee (OK, not really) and said I'm young and healthy and to come back in November if there is still no progress on the pregnancy front. I said thanks and left. Why I said thanks? I don't know. I didn't get anything out of it.

So. . .I still have no plan. I'm still not knocked up. Patience is the virtue that I never learned, but I guess my impatient ass will just sit tight and wait until November. I am anxiously counting down the days!

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