I was 26 weeks as of Saturday, and have had quite the wonderful Birthday weekend. My mom, dad and sister went in together and bought me the glider I wanted (YAY!). I can't wait for it to be delivered! We all went out for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory on Saturday night and I had the most amazing piece of cheesecake e.v.e.r. Red velvet cake, layered with cheesecake, layered with more red velvet cake, layered with MORE cheesecake and a cream topper. Like I said, it was the most amazing piece of cheesecake ever. YUM!
Before dinner on Saturday TJ took me for a Birthday date to the Woodland Park Zoo. We walked around the zoo for nearly 4 hours before I became too tired. By the time we headed out I was pooped, but it was great exercise! We got a front row view at the elephant house (up next to the open window), of an elephant. The trainers were taking her blood to see if she had ovulated as they are trying to get her pregnant. I sent her all sorts of good pregnant thoughts. Interesting fact we learned from the trainers, elephants are pregnant for 22 months. 22 months. Could you imagine carrying a baby ELEPHANT around for 22 months?? Yikes!
Sunday was spent with my mom and sister, laughing. A lot. We went to Babies R Us and La-z-boy to try out their rockers/gliders. I ended up liking a chair a BRU the best and it should be here in 10-12 weeks. I cannot wait!!
Today, after waiting around at the DOL to renew my license, TJ took me to Alligator Soul in Everett for lunch. Again, YUM! I discovered a new found love for hush puppies, fried corn bread. Heaven! The present he ordered for me was on back order, but he did tell me in my card what it is. I should be receiving my I-Pad in the next few days!! I really can't wait. After we got home we ordered Madeline's crib and changing table. Everything should be here within the next few weeks.
It's safe to say my 26th year has started off with quite the bang. I'm a spoiled girl. I cannot wait to see what the rest of this year brings, I have a feeling this will be one of the best years of my life!!
Below are 26 week belly pics from today. I did another comparison picture at the end, the same outfit (well, different jeans) 8 weeks apart. And, I was brave and did a bare belly shot. Actually, I wasn't brave, you are brave for looking! ;)
14 weeks to go!

1 comment:
Happy Birthday beautiful.
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