Not a lot to report change wise on the pregnancy front. I feel wonderful most of the time, and like I said I have really enjoyed being pregnant so far. Sure my back aches some nights when I get home from work, and my sense of smell has recently been heightened so that smells are more offensive, but really, if that’s all I have to complain about I’m a lucky woman!
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how simple and easy my pregnancy has been, and how lucky I am. I’ve come to the conclusion that part of the reason this has been so simple and easy for me has to do with perspective. I really believe in the power of positive thinking, and while I’m not delusional enough to think that the only reason my pregnancy has been easy is due to positive thought, I do believe that it has something to do with it. You see, I could find plenty to complain about if I wanted to. The continued spotting I had in the first trimester (and into the first half of the second trimester) really scared the bejesus out of me (and TJ), but I tried to keep thinking positively every time it happened. I have nights where I can barely move due to back aches, but I know a good night of sleeping in the right position will help and have faith the in the morning I’ll feel better (not usually 100%, but still better). And yes mom, I know, if I stopped wearing heels it might help. Beauty before pain! ;)
As someone who is somewhat of a complainer (shush peanut gallery who think 'somewhat' is an understatement, lol), I feel like I’ve turned over a new leaf with this pregnancy. I know TJ was worried about how I would handle pregnancy, and that I’d be a complete pain in the ass to be around (my words, not his). While I have my moments, and most of them are due to my hormonal temper, I haven’t found much to complain about this pregnancy. I’m just grateful to be here and to have carried my healthy baby girl this far. I will openly admit that if possible I would gladly go back and change time so that it didn’t take us so long and two miscarriages to get pregnant. But I also have to acknowledge that that wait and heartache has made me really appreciate every single second. That’s perspective baby, it makes you appreciate what you have, even through the trials it took you to get there.
I’m grateful every day to be pregnant. To feel her (sometimes constant) movements. To watch as you can now see the hard kicks on the outside of my belly. I’m grateful that even though it took over a year of trying to get here, we are finally here. We are just about 3 short months away from becoming parents and meeting our little girl. I cannot wait to lay eyes on her for the first time and welcome her into the world. I can’t wait to find out who she is, and watch her grow into whatever person she is destined to become. I hope she looks a lot like her daddy, with his pink cheeks, big brown eyes and long dark eyelashes. I hope she has his common sense and my book smarts. I hope that someday she will know how much we love her, and have loved her all along.
It’s all about perspective.
Here is an updated belly shot from this morning, and then a repost of the first picture I took at 4 weeks. It’s hard to believe that was 21 weeks ago. Look at how I’ve grown! (Also, I wore this dress over the weekend also and proclaimed that I didn't look pregnant in it. You know, black being slimming and all??? TJ gave me the side eye and said, "Uhm, yeah, you do." But, I would like to point out that in the first picture from straight on I just look chubby. It isn't until I turn to the side and lay the full force of The Belly on you that you notice I'm pregnant. Or maybe I'm just delusional, lol.)
Today I am 25 weeks and 3 days. 14 weeks and 4 days until we meet Madeline Rey!!
1 comment:
You look GREAT! We can't wait to meet her either!
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