Well, actually, it's my Birthday. But, you are more than welcome to celebrate if you'd like!! As I told TJ at lunch today, when he ordered a beer (or 3), someone should drink on my Birthday if I can't! ;)
I was 26 weeks as of Saturday, and have had quite the wonderful Birthday weekend. My mom, dad and sister went in together and bought me the glider I wanted (YAY!). I can't wait for it to be delivered! We all went out for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory on Saturday night and I had the most amazing piece of cheesecake e.v.e.r. Red velvet cake, layered with cheesecake, layered with more red velvet cake, layered with MORE cheesecake and a cream topper. Like I said, it was the most amazing piece of cheesecake ever. YUM!
Before dinner on Saturday TJ took me for a Birthday date to the Woodland Park Zoo. We walked around the zoo for nearly 4 hours before I became too tired. By the time we headed out I was pooped, but it was great exercise! We got a front row view at the elephant house (up next to the open window), of an elephant. The trainers were taking her blood to see if she had ovulated as they are trying to get her pregnant. I sent her all sorts of good pregnant thoughts. Interesting fact we learned from the trainers, elephants are pregnant for 22 months. 22 months. Could you imagine carrying a baby ELEPHANT around for 22 months?? Yikes!
Sunday was spent with my mom and sister, laughing. A lot. We went to Babies R Us and La-z-boy to try out their rockers/gliders. I ended up liking a chair a BRU the best and it should be here in 10-12 weeks. I cannot wait!!
Today, after waiting around at the DOL to renew my license, TJ took me to Alligator Soul in Everett for lunch. Again, YUM! I discovered a new found love for hush puppies, fried corn bread. Heaven! The present he ordered for me was on back order, but he did tell me in my card what it is. I should be receiving my I-Pad in the next few days!! I really can't wait. After we got home we ordered Madeline's crib and changing table. Everything should be here within the next few weeks.
It's safe to say my 26th year has started off with quite the bang. I'm a spoiled girl. I cannot wait to see what the rest of this year brings, I have a feeling this will be one of the best years of my life!!
Below are 26 week belly pics from today. I did another comparison picture at the end, the same outfit (well, different jeans) 8 weeks apart. And, I was brave and did a bare belly shot. Actually, I wasn't brave, you are brave for looking! ;)
14 weeks to go!
June 28, 2010
June 25, 2010
If It Walks like a Walrus. . .
Sometimes I reallllllly wonder about people. I wonder, didn’t your mother ever teach you any manners? What is it about pregnancy that gives strangers (and sometimes those who know you) a free pass to comment about your weight/size? Would you make a comment to a woman on the street about her weight if she was obviously not pregnant? No, of course not, that would be rude. Right? So, what gives people the idea that it’s OK to make comments just because a woman is pregnant?
The comments are starting to wear on me. Yes, even I realize that the size of my belly is rather surprising given the fact that I’m “only” 6 months. But, my doctor has given me nothing but the thumbs up in regards to my progress. She even used the word “textbook” when measuring my belly and taking my weight (measuring spot on, and up 11 pounds total at 25 weeks). So, rude checker lady at Safeway, while you may think I look like a walrus I am in fact not part elephant. You do not have to hide your young in fear that I might swallow them whole in mistake of an afternoon snack.
I’m at the point where you can certainly tell I’m pregnant, so I get the “How far along are you?” question a lot. A lot of people guess I’m having a girl, I’ve only had one guess that she’s a boy. To be honest, most people are generally very nice, but those aren’t the comments that stick with you unfortunately. It’s the condescending comments about how “BIG” I am already, or the comments about how “HUGE” I’m going to be. Well you know what? I’m growing a human. You need to gain weight to grow a human. I know I’m going to gain more weight in the next 15 weeks without your snotty observations. So shove it.
Take a page out of Thumper’s book, if you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all. A-hole.
The comments are starting to wear on me. Yes, even I realize that the size of my belly is rather surprising given the fact that I’m “only” 6 months. But, my doctor has given me nothing but the thumbs up in regards to my progress. She even used the word “textbook” when measuring my belly and taking my weight (measuring spot on, and up 11 pounds total at 25 weeks). So, rude checker lady at Safeway, while you may think I look like a walrus I am in fact not part elephant. You do not have to hide your young in fear that I might swallow them whole in mistake of an afternoon snack.
I’m at the point where you can certainly tell I’m pregnant, so I get the “How far along are you?” question a lot. A lot of people guess I’m having a girl, I’ve only had one guess that she’s a boy. To be honest, most people are generally very nice, but those aren’t the comments that stick with you unfortunately. It’s the condescending comments about how “BIG” I am already, or the comments about how “HUGE” I’m going to be. Well you know what? I’m growing a human. You need to gain weight to grow a human. I know I’m going to gain more weight in the next 15 weeks without your snotty observations. So shove it.
Take a page out of Thumper’s book, if you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all. A-hole.
June 22, 2010
25 Week Update - Perspective
25 weeks down, 15 more to go. The further along I get the faster it seems time goes. I know a lot of women say that once they find out the sex of their baby time slows down, but I would swear to you it has changed to warp speed. I suppose we’ll see if I’m singing a different tune come October, when I’m fully cooked, uncomfortable, and really ready to get this baby out of me. But, for now, I’m enjoying being pregnant.
Not a lot to report change wise on the pregnancy front. I feel wonderful most of the time, and like I said I have really enjoyed being pregnant so far. Sure my back aches some nights when I get home from work, and my sense of smell has recently been heightened so that smells are more offensive, but really, if that’s all I have to complain about I’m a lucky woman!
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how simple and easy my pregnancy has been, and how lucky I am. I’ve come to the conclusion that part of the reason this has been so simple and easy for me has to do with perspective. I really believe in the power of positive thinking, and while I’m not delusional enough to think that the only reason my pregnancy has been easy is due to positive thought, I do believe that it has something to do with it. You see, I could find plenty to complain about if I wanted to. The continued spotting I had in the first trimester (and into the first half of the second trimester) really scared the bejesus out of me (and TJ), but I tried to keep thinking positively every time it happened. I have nights where I can barely move due to back aches, but I know a good night of sleeping in the right position will help and have faith the in the morning I’ll feel better (not usually 100%, but still better). And yes mom, I know, if I stopped wearing heels it might help. Beauty before pain! ;)
As someone who is somewhat of a complainer (shush peanut gallery who think 'somewhat' is an understatement, lol), I feel like I’ve turned over a new leaf with this pregnancy. I know TJ was worried about how I would handle pregnancy, and that I’d be a complete pain in the ass to be around (my words, not his). While I have my moments, and most of them are due to my hormonal temper, I haven’t found much to complain about this pregnancy. I’m just grateful to be here and to have carried my healthy baby girl this far. I will openly admit that if possible I would gladly go back and change time so that it didn’t take us so long and two miscarriages to get pregnant. But I also have to acknowledge that that wait and heartache has made me really appreciate every single second. That’s perspective baby, it makes you appreciate what you have, even through the trials it took you to get there.
I’m grateful every day to be pregnant. To feel her (sometimes constant) movements. To watch as you can now see the hard kicks on the outside of my belly. I’m grateful that even though it took over a year of trying to get here, we are finally here. We are just about 3 short months away from becoming parents and meeting our little girl. I cannot wait to lay eyes on her for the first time and welcome her into the world. I can’t wait to find out who she is, and watch her grow into whatever person she is destined to become. I hope she looks a lot like her daddy, with his pink cheeks, big brown eyes and long dark eyelashes. I hope she has his common sense and my book smarts. I hope that someday she will know how much we love her, and have loved her all along.
It’s all about perspective.
Here is an updated belly shot from this morning, and then a repost of the first picture I took at 4 weeks. It’s hard to believe that was 21 weeks ago. Look at how I’ve grown! (Also, I wore this dress over the weekend also and proclaimed that I didn't look pregnant in it. You know, black being slimming and all??? TJ gave me the side eye and said, "Uhm, yeah, you do." But, I would like to point out that in the first picture from straight on I just look chubby. It isn't until I turn to the side and lay the full force of The Belly on you that you notice I'm pregnant. Or maybe I'm just delusional, lol.)
Today I am 25 weeks and 3 days. 14 weeks and 4 days until we meet Madeline Rey!!
Not a lot to report change wise on the pregnancy front. I feel wonderful most of the time, and like I said I have really enjoyed being pregnant so far. Sure my back aches some nights when I get home from work, and my sense of smell has recently been heightened so that smells are more offensive, but really, if that’s all I have to complain about I’m a lucky woman!
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how simple and easy my pregnancy has been, and how lucky I am. I’ve come to the conclusion that part of the reason this has been so simple and easy for me has to do with perspective. I really believe in the power of positive thinking, and while I’m not delusional enough to think that the only reason my pregnancy has been easy is due to positive thought, I do believe that it has something to do with it. You see, I could find plenty to complain about if I wanted to. The continued spotting I had in the first trimester (and into the first half of the second trimester) really scared the bejesus out of me (and TJ), but I tried to keep thinking positively every time it happened. I have nights where I can barely move due to back aches, but I know a good night of sleeping in the right position will help and have faith the in the morning I’ll feel better (not usually 100%, but still better). And yes mom, I know, if I stopped wearing heels it might help. Beauty before pain! ;)
As someone who is somewhat of a complainer (shush peanut gallery who think 'somewhat' is an understatement, lol), I feel like I’ve turned over a new leaf with this pregnancy. I know TJ was worried about how I would handle pregnancy, and that I’d be a complete pain in the ass to be around (my words, not his). While I have my moments, and most of them are due to my hormonal temper, I haven’t found much to complain about this pregnancy. I’m just grateful to be here and to have carried my healthy baby girl this far. I will openly admit that if possible I would gladly go back and change time so that it didn’t take us so long and two miscarriages to get pregnant. But I also have to acknowledge that that wait and heartache has made me really appreciate every single second. That’s perspective baby, it makes you appreciate what you have, even through the trials it took you to get there.
I’m grateful every day to be pregnant. To feel her (sometimes constant) movements. To watch as you can now see the hard kicks on the outside of my belly. I’m grateful that even though it took over a year of trying to get here, we are finally here. We are just about 3 short months away from becoming parents and meeting our little girl. I cannot wait to lay eyes on her for the first time and welcome her into the world. I can’t wait to find out who she is, and watch her grow into whatever person she is destined to become. I hope she looks a lot like her daddy, with his pink cheeks, big brown eyes and long dark eyelashes. I hope she has his common sense and my book smarts. I hope that someday she will know how much we love her, and have loved her all along.
It’s all about perspective.
Here is an updated belly shot from this morning, and then a repost of the first picture I took at 4 weeks. It’s hard to believe that was 21 weeks ago. Look at how I’ve grown! (Also, I wore this dress over the weekend also and proclaimed that I didn't look pregnant in it. You know, black being slimming and all??? TJ gave me the side eye and said, "Uhm, yeah, you do." But, I would like to point out that in the first picture from straight on I just look chubby. It isn't until I turn to the side and lay the full force of The Belly on you that you notice I'm pregnant. Or maybe I'm just delusional, lol.)
Today I am 25 weeks and 3 days. 14 weeks and 4 days until we meet Madeline Rey!!
June 5, 2010
23 Week Update
I figured that I was due for an update, and to deliver some more pictures of my ever growing belly. I have finally entered the "definitely pregnant" stage, and have been starting to get comments from strangers about when I'm due, or what we're having. I even had my first stranger belly rub today, and even though I thought I'd hate it I was so tickled that the lady knew I was pregnant and not just a little chubby.
Things have been going swimmingly on the pregnancy front. I have some back pain from time to time, most of the time it's minor and if it gets really bad it usually goes away when she moves. And boy does she move. I am growing a future soccer star, acrobat or the next karate kid I tell you. She is quite the little wiggle worm. I keep telling TJ she is nocturnal though, as I've been woken up in the middle of the night quite a few times with a good swift kick in the bladder.
I first started feeling movement at about 18 weeks. It was pretty infrequent, and it sort of felt like I was driving down a steep hill very, very fast. Now I feel it every day, all the time, and it feels like someone is kicking me from the inside. TJ and I were sitting on the couch Thursday night and I saw a kick from the outside for the first time. I felt a pretty hard kick so I looked down and a few second later my belly moved just a little bit when she kicked again. So stinking cool. Of course, when I told TJ to look she stopped moving. Which is pretty much what happens every time. I'm certain I can feel the kicks on the outside now, but by the time I put his hand on my belly she stops moving. I have a feeling she is going to be stuborn, lol.
I really can't believe I'm already 5 months along, the time has flown by and I feel like it's never going to slow down. We went out to dinner with TJ's brother last weekend and he asked how much longer I had to go. When I told him 18 weeks (and it's 17 weeks now, eekk!!) TJ looked at me with deer in the headlight eyes and said, "Thats it???? We have so much to do!" Haha, yes dear. Yes we do.
We go on our hospital tour on Tuesday and I'm pretty excited about that. They wanted us to take the tour before we go through all of the birthing/newborn classes at the hospital so we know where the classrooms are, so it's a little earlier than I assumed we'd take the tour. We start classes at the end of July, but their July tour fell on our anniversary and that isn't exactly how I imagined spending our anniversary. I'm having a hard time believing that the first week of June has already come and gone. Where has this year gone?
So, all in all things are great. Here are a few pictures I just snapped of myself.
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