Can you believe I'm already 29 weeks?? I sure as hell can't! I feel like I keep saying it, but it's true: time has flown by! Things continue to go very well, I still have very little to complain about and most of the complaining is about my future soccer star and her perfected rib kicks. Or when she beats on my bladder and hips. She is super strong, and while I find it very cool, a lot of the time her kicking/hitting/rolling sort of hurts. I'm also finding that there must be no room for my stomach anymore, I can get about two meals a day in now. Anymore than that and I walk around with that uncomfortable I-ate-way-too-damn-much feeling.
I had my 28 week appointment with my doctor today. I start my bi-weekly doctors appointments now and I'm sort of in shock at that. Every two weeks. Only women who are close to their due date see their doctor every two weeks. I am now one of those women. Holy crap!! Since I'm pretty damn proud of how well my pregnancy is progressing I'll post my stats from my appointment:
29 Weeks 2 Days
Blood Pressure: 122/77
Weight Gain: 16lbs
Fundal Height (belly measurement): 28-29 CM
Madeline's Heartbeat: 150 BPM
Over All: GREAT! :)
The fundal height is right on track. I've managed to keep my weight gain down, and since I'm aiming for 25-30lbs total I'm right on track. Madeline's heart rate is right where it needs to be. My BP last appointment was a little high at first (when they took it again it was normal though), so over all I'm as healthy as a horse. I get to do the glucose test sometime before my next appointment. As someone who loved orange soda as a kid I hope that the rumors that the glucose drink tastes like Orange Crush is true. I go back to see my doctor August 5th.
TJ and I have started work on the nursery! We painted last weekend, and are waiting to buy and stain the chair rail and molding before setting up the room. Her crib and changer arrived a few weeks ago and they are still in their respective boxes. He doesn't want to take the plastic off the floor in the nursery, so we're waiting to get it all set up until after we get the chair rail up (next weekend).
I didn't think to take pictures of our progress (what little there is) until we'd already moved everything out of the room and painted two coats of primer. Originally the bedroom was painted 4 different (ugly and obnoxious!) colors - dark red, dark blue, green, and yellow. It took two coats of primer before we started painting. Below are pictures of day two, when the pink went on the walls.
I had my 28 week appointment with my doctor today. I start my bi-weekly doctors appointments now and I'm sort of in shock at that. Every two weeks. Only women who are close to their due date see their doctor every two weeks. I am now one of those women. Holy crap!! Since I'm pretty damn proud of how well my pregnancy is progressing I'll post my stats from my appointment:
29 Weeks 2 Days
Blood Pressure: 122/77
Weight Gain: 16lbs
Fundal Height (belly measurement): 28-29 CM
Madeline's Heartbeat: 150 BPM
Over All: GREAT! :)
The fundal height is right on track. I've managed to keep my weight gain down, and since I'm aiming for 25-30lbs total I'm right on track. Madeline's heart rate is right where it needs to be. My BP last appointment was a little high at first (when they took it again it was normal though), so over all I'm as healthy as a horse. I get to do the glucose test sometime before my next appointment. As someone who loved orange soda as a kid I hope that the rumors that the glucose drink tastes like Orange Crush is true. I go back to see my doctor August 5th.
TJ and I have started work on the nursery! We painted last weekend, and are waiting to buy and stain the chair rail and molding before setting up the room. Her crib and changer arrived a few weeks ago and they are still in their respective boxes. He doesn't want to take the plastic off the floor in the nursery, so we're waiting to get it all set up until after we get the chair rail up (next weekend).
I didn't think to take pictures of our progress (what little there is) until we'd already moved everything out of the room and painted two coats of primer. Originally the bedroom was painted 4 different (ugly and obnoxious!) colors - dark red, dark blue, green, and yellow. It took two coats of primer before we started painting. Below are pictures of day two, when the pink went on the walls.
Finally here are the 29 week pictures I took on Saturday. I went back to blonde last week so I also put a new hair picture up.
Yay!!! I'm so happy for you guys! It seems like it has all happened so quickly! Love the pink room!
Your belly makes me so jealous! I love it! You are super cute Jen!
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