A baby. Ha. Gotcha.
Our appointment this morning went very, very well. And yes, we found out what we are having (more on that later. . .). I couldn't remember if I had scheduled our appointment for 7:00 or 7:15, so we decided to show up at 7:00 just in case. Plus, I was more than a little anxious. As we were walking into the hospital we ran into TJ's mom, since she works there. We told her we'd let her know as soon as we knew, and then we head up the escalators to check in at radiology.
I checked in and found out my appointment was really 7:30. . .so we were reaaaaally early. Luckily I brought my Ipod touch for TJ and I had games on my phone to play with as well. So we waited until 7:30 and an ultrasound tech name Lisa brought us back to the first room. Lisa was very friendly, she explained everything we were seeing on the screen and that it all looked great. The baby was not being cooperative though, Lisa needed a profile shot of the baby's head and couldn't get the right angle. She tired for a while to get it, and then asked me to get up, walk around and empty my bladder to see if that helped.
Like I said last week I'm starting to feel movements. Most of the time it feels like I'm going down a roller coaster and I've lost my stomach. I think I feel that way when the baby is rolling around. Just as I was about to lay back down I had the roller coaster feeling and so I was pretty sure we'd get a good shot. I was right, baby was laying the right way and Lisa was able to get all of the measurements she needed to get.
After Lisa had checked all that needed to be check she said, "Well, wasn't there something else that you guys wanted to see??" And we laughed. She started to move the wand around so we could get a good shot of everything. Right when she zoomed in I had a feeling of what she was going to say, but I just waited. She got a good angle and took a still frame shot for us and then typed on the screen. . .
So, TJ and I are elated to announce that come this fall we are expecting a baby GIRL!!! And I am happy to announce that I was right, since I like to be right. ;) The best part about it though is that from what Lisa could tell she seems very, very healthy! TJ was pretty shocked since he was certain the baby was going to be a boy. He said he knew as soon as she was looking around though that there weren't any boy parts, and so did I.
We sent a text or called our family as soon as we left the room, and then went upstairs to his mom's office to show her the pictures. Lisa was wonderful and printed out 3 3D pictures, 4 regular ultrasound pictures, and a "money shot" picture (that says THINK PINK!) for us. I think that it is actually a lot more photos than most people get, so thank you Lisa!!!! I handed Ann the pictures and told her the last picture told her what we were having, she asked if she'd be able to tell and I said yes. When she got to it she started to cry, then I started to cry and I'm pretty sure TJ did too. I called my mom and I'm pretty certain she cried too and I can't wait to show her the pictures on Mother's Day!
So, over all today has been a GREAT day! We're having a GIRL! Woo-hoo!! Once I get home I'll load the pictures on the computer and post them here for the world to see.
Dear October: can't you come any faster?????

Yay!! I can hardly wait to find out what team we'll be on this time around.
Jen, TJ & Little M. I'm speechless.
I’m so very proud of you 3.
Congratulation’s to you all.
I’m truly excited.
Oh, and teary eyed too.
Love you all
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