Growing like crazy, baby is starting to sprout eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, and chin. Those little hands and feet -- still webbed like paddles -- might wiggle by week's end, the heart is beating (almost twice as fast as yours!), and blood is starting to circulate.
It has been another great week. I am feeling pretty un-pregnant most of the time, which I am not complaining about. I keep hearing that at this point I should be tired all the time. Pure exhaustion. I will admit that at night I feel more run down than usual, but it hasn't hit during the day. And, as someone who prides themselves in their ability to sleep in with the best of them. . .not so much. I wake up in the morning earlier than normal and I'm up. I don't know if this is a pregnancy symptom, but it royal sucks.
The one symptom I am experiencing in full force is sore boobs. It hurts to wear a bra. Then it hurts to not wear a bra. I ran into TJ's elbow at the grocery store which made me want to stomp on something. I'm also extremely moody, just ask my poor husband. I downloaded Brad Paisley's "Anything Like Me" today and then cried. I am more snappy than usual, driving makes me red with road rage. My new poor attitude when driving usually comes out when I am in the fast lane behind someone going 30. Move over Grandpa, it's 55 through here!! Pregnant hormonal crazy woman coming through!
I feel more bloated than usual in my pictures today. It doesn't help that I took them later in the evening, after dinner. Usually I take them in the morning. So, awww, look at my food baby!
238 days to go!
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