So this week I believe I've started to feel Herme moving around. From the way s/he kicked around like a frog during the ultrasound Aunt Donna did I have a feeling that I'm going to be kept awake at night with movement. I'm feeling things every once in a while just below my belly button, barely to the right of the center of my tummy. It's pretty cool, and I can't wait until TJ can feel it from the outside too.
Since I last posted I had my regular 16 week check up and everything is good with baby. I did the quad screen (a blood test which tests for the heightened possibility of Down syndrome, Spina Bifida, etc.), and the results came back negative. So by blood tests, which obviously aren't 100%, I'm at a very low risk. Woo-hoo!! Annnnd, I scheduled the anatomy scan! At 7:00 next Friday the 7th (a week from today, EEEKKK!!) we will know if Herme is a He or a She!!!
You may have noticed a new poll to the right (-----> up top!), you have until mid-day next Friday to cast your votes and decide if you think Herme is a boy or a girl! A little background to help with your decision; I am positive it is a girl and TJ is positive it is a boy with mixed results from people we know. The heartbeat has been steadily around 160 beats a minute. I didn't have any morning sickness. All of the Chinese gender charts say it's a girl. The only thing I've really been craving consistently is cucumbers (yum!!). Good luck! :)
On the naming of the human front we have pretty much settled the score. If you remember we decided on our boy name pretty early on, but were struggling with what to name Herme if it turns out Herme is a girl. So, drum roll please, if we are having a girl her name will be (and we are 98% sure on this): Madeline Rey! We'll pronounce it Mad-a-lynn, and I'm still toying with the idea of an alternate spelling of the name so she isn't called Mad-a-line (but it's not a big deal). And again, if Herme is a boy his name will be Porter James. The middle names are my middle name (Rey) and TJ's middle name (James). Madeline isn't a name with family meaning, but Porter is TJ's dad's last name.
So, there you have it! An update! I hope you (momandtj) are happy now. ;) Don't forget to vote if you believe we're having a boy or a girl! And now, I leave you with some recent photos. The first two I took this morning before heading out to work, and the last was a few weeks ago at the Tulip Festival (with Aunt Alicia). As you might see by the last photo Herme is starting to get in the way when I bend over.