TJ and I were on our way to the grocery store after work on Monday night to restock our fridge/freezer (more on that later). I looked over at him, bat my eyelashes and said, "I'm going to get pregnant this cycle. We're going to have a baby this summer." He laughed, tried to decided if I was serious or crazy, and then thanked me for letting him know (I think he settled for crazy). I'm approaching cycle 12 with a positive attitude. But still, it's cycle 12, UGH! I wish I could see the future sometimes. I wish I could say for certain when I'll get pregnant again. I wish I could tell for sure-sure that the next time around it would be a sticky baby. All the unknowns are really pissing me off. I want to be in control damn it.
In non-baby related news, our fridge broke last week. TJ and I both gave it a good kick and headed to Home Depot. Once there we realized that all of the refrigerators of a normal size are 33ish inches deep. The moron who built our house left room for 30 inches max for our fridge. Any deeper and we'd be unable to open the door to our laundry room (and thus unable to get into the garage). We found we'd need to custom order a new fridge, a tune of $1,600 for a crappy basic model fridge. I want a fridge with at least the freaking water/ice in the door, I'd prefer a bottom freezer, but french doors would be OK too. I'm a woman with needs!
We didn't buy a new fridge, thankfully I married a fairly handy dude. The next day TJ got into the back of the fridge to investigate and discovered what he believed to be the issue. He has his license to work on refrigeration, but just because someone has a license doesn't mean they should drive. ::Eyeing old lady who almost ran me down on the freeway this morning:: So he called a buddy over who actually works on refrigeration related things, said buddy confirmed that it was indeed said part, and $60 later we have a working fridge again.
My crystal ball tells me that the fridge thing worked out and so will the baby thing. Only time will tell!